Strategy | Web Design | Social Media

Supercharge Your Digital Marketing

Grow your business & increase your sales…

Marketing Strategy

Informed by market research, our strategic marketing plans are tailored specifically to meet your business goals. Our realistic and actionable recommendations provide the direction you need for your marketing to be impactful and successful.

Website Design

Make the most of your digital real estate. An updated and optimized website helps you attract more website traffic and convert that traffic into sales. A modern, fresh, relevant website that’s easy to navigate is also a better experience for your audience.

Social Media Management

It’s harder than ever to get your content seen online. The right social media content strategy can elevate your brand, grow your reach, and increase your sales. We know how to grow your followers and get your content seen organically, without spending money on paid ads.

Optimize Your Digital Marketing

Ethical, results-driven marketing services

You’re a busy business owner. You understand that digital marketing is the engine that drives your business. Marketing supports your sales and elevates your brand reputation. Your business needs an integrated online presence to exist in today’s marketplace.

We get it, digital marketing can feel daunting and time-consuming. As soon as you’ve got it all figured out, things change. You need a digital marketing expert to help you strategize and optimize! Our services include:

  • Website and/or social media audit.
  • Marketing or social media strategy to reach your business goals. 
  • New website or a website refresh to stay relevant and modern.
  • Social Media content creation and management services. 
  • Market research or KPI reporting to inform your business and marketing decisions.
About Bow Valley Marketing 4

With over two decades of digital marketing and project management experience, we deliver real results. Our ethical marketing approach ensures your business stays modern and on-trend using tactics that align with your values.

We’re experts in helping small to medium local businesses grow. We offer services on a project or ongoing basis. When you partner with us, you’ll have more time to focus on your business!


Years of Experience

Happy Clients

“Bow Valley Marketing developed a robust website that’s easy to navigate. Moselle worked with us to understand our needs before designing and populating the website. She used her expertise to bring our vision to life! The final website far exceeds our expectations.”

Tara Gilchrist

Town of Canmore, FCSS Supervisor
Bow Valley Non-Profits Project

Client Portfolio

Bow Valley Marketing is honoured to have worked with these local businesses, non-profit organizations, and municipal governments.